Monday, January 28, 2008

Advertisement on Blogs


I am a Full Time blogger, chatter and online marketer. I use to spend most of my time working on SEO and Internet Marketing.This blog will be promoted by online and offline. If you are interesting to promote your website or blog here please don't hesitate to contact me at Provide you banner with Avatar size (100 x 75) and email to me accompany with minimum charge i.e US$1.00 only. You can pay through PayPal as well.

Ok, feel free to give comments, I sincerely welcome all type of comments. When there's comments, means there are people who notice my entry. Right? LOL! I know some people delete negative comments or shouts on their shoutbox, but come on. Those people already clicked on your blog and u gained a viewership, just accept their negative comment if your entry is really sucks to them, and say thank u instead of deleting it!

The popularity of our blogs make it easier to direct the visitors to your business through the advertisements posted on our blogs. Currently we are providing numerous options for you to advertisethrough our blogs.

***Lastly, I'm not pointing fingers at anybody in the blog community. I'm not here or there to make enemies. But if u wish to make money in blogging, the first thing u need is to know how to blog. Readers out there wish to read blog with good quality. If u dun intend to earn money thru blogging, blog all u want with all your silly news and content just like me. I'm more to the reader side than blogging side anyway. =D U must take xiaxue as an example since she is a success blogger queen, and not taking those black sheep as an example!

For any query please feel free to contact our executive

Thank you.